Meet Denise Cristal Zamora, born January 17, 1993, a white nationalist and president of American Guard of Nevada living in the greater Las Vegas metropolitan area. We feel that Denise’s choice to uphold the tenets of white supremacy and her attempt to start an American Guard chapter are a threat to our communities. You, the residents of every Nevada community, should know more about Denise in order to unite against the growing threat of neo-nazism, white nationalism, and white supremacy.
In 2016, American Guard was born from a mid-west chapter of Soldiers of Odin USA. Most, if not all, Soldier of Odin USA members are white supremacists or anti-government extremists. They became a national organization in early 2017, founded by Brien James, a well-known white supremacist who is also a co-founder of the Vinlanders Social Club, a racist skinhead gang.