Meet poser punk Johnathan Adam Schutz, born June 30, 1979, a Trump supporter, white supremacist, and convicted pedophile living in Reno, NV. We feel that Johnathan’s past conviction and choice to uphold the tenets of white supremacy is a threat to our community at large. You, the residents of Truckee Meadows, should know more about Johnathan in order to unite against the growing threat of racism and fascism.
Meet Corey Rayburn Lequieu, A QAnon Supporter, White Nationalist, And Three Percent Militia
Meet Corey Rayburn Lequieu, born April 17, 1970, a white nationalist , QAnon supporter, and member of the Three Percent Militia living in Carson City, NV. We feel that Corey’s choice to uphold the tenets of white supremacy is a threat to our community at large. You, the residents of Carson City, Truckee Meadows, and the greater Northern Nevada region should know more about Corey in order to unite against the growing threat of racism and fascism.
Continue readingREDIRECT NOTICE
It has been brought to our attention that we used an incorrect middle name. As can be clearly in his voter records, Corey’s middle name is Rayburn, not Raymond.
As such, we created a new article using his correct full name, Cory Rayburn Lequieu, that can be located here.
Apologies for the goof up. We need better editors that can catch mistakes such as this.
Full Link
Meet Gabriel Nicolas Mercado, Racist Three Percent Militia Member And Operator of Exposing Reno-Commies
Meet Gabriel “Gabe” Nicolas Mercado, born January 12, 1991, a racist Three Percent Militia member and operator of the @exposecommiesnv Twitter page living in Winnemucca, NV. We feel that Gabriel’s choice to uphold the tenets of white supremacy and engage in political harassment and libel is a threat to our community at large. You, the residents of Truckee Meadows and Northern Nevada should know more about Gabriel in order to unite against the growing threat of racism and fascism.
Continue readingCompilation: Documenting the Proud Boys
Last Updated on Sept. 08, 2020
The Proud Boys will tell you they are just a drinking club for men. They will tell you they are not bigots because they let cis gay men and men of color join their gang. They are lying.
Proud Boys are, in fact, a far-right neo-fascist organization that promotes political violence and have strong ties to neo-nazi organizations.
Meet Joshua Frank Froschauer, White Nationalist And Member of Violent neo-Fascist Proud Boys
Meet Joshua Frank Froschauer, born October 28, 1980, a white nationalist and member of the violent neo-fascist Proud Boys living in Reno, NV. We feel that Joshua’s choice to uphold the tenets of white supremacy and engage in political violence is a threat to our community. You, the residents of Truckee Meadows and the quad-county region, should know more about Joshua in order to unite against the growing threat of neo-nazism, white nationalism, and white supremacy.
Meet Denise Cristal Zamora, White Nationalist And So-Called President of American Guard of Nevada
Meet Denise Cristal Zamora, born January 17, 1993, a white nationalist and president of American Guard of Nevada living in the greater Las Vegas metropolitan area. We feel that Denise’s choice to uphold the tenets of white supremacy and her attempt to start an American Guard chapter are a threat to our communities. You, the residents of every Nevada community, should know more about Denise in order to unite against the growing threat of neo-nazism, white nationalism, and white supremacy.

Denise Cristal Zamora’s Facebook Profile Picture with Threeper (III% militia) logo dated October 22, 2018.
In 2016, American Guard was born from a mid-west chapter of Soldiers of Odin USA. Most, if not all, Soldier of Odin USA members are white supremacists or anti-government extremists. They became a national organization in early 2017, founded by Brien James, a well-known white supremacist who is also a co-founder of the Vinlanders Social Club, a racist skinhead gang.
Meet neo-Nazi Kevin Scott Tollefson, UNLV Student And Iron March Forum Member
Meet Kevin Scott Tollefson, born March 4, 1996, a neo-Nazi and Iron March forum member living in the greater Las Vegas metropolitan area. We feel that Kevin and his genocidal beliefs are a threat to our communities and you, residents of every Nevada community, should know more about Kevin in order to unite against the growing threat of neo-nazism, white nationalism, and white supremacy.
Between July 2013 and July 2015, Kevin was active member on the now defunct Iron March forum (Username: Brynhelde; UID 6165). “I have found myself,” Kevin wrote on the Iron March forum in 2015, “making the magnificent drift towards fascism and the Hitleric dream.”